Thursday Evening, July 10th - Arrival
Hospitality Room - Snacks and drinks movies and pizza
Friday Morning, July 11th
Opelousas Museum & Interpretive Center, 10:00am - 2:00pm
Tour and Presentations
Friday Evening, July 11th
Dinner at Prejean’s - 7:00pm
Saturday, July 12th - Jubilee Family Cookout
St. Anne’s Catholic Church Recreational Center, 11:00am- 4:00pm
Saturday Evening, July 12th
Homestead Property, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Sunday Morning, July 13th - Departure
Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 11:15am
In Biblical times, the twelve tribes of Israel returned to their family property every fifty years for a jubilee. It was a holy time, a time for redemption, celebration, and reset. While we have not been apart for fifty years, the Broussard, Dargin, Thierry, and Guillory descendants have not come together in celebration for quite some time. We have lost and mourned cherished family members, celebrated and welcomed children and spouses, and experienced societal upheaval that has made our heads spin. Through it all, we have worked hard and upheld the values of those who came before us. The family of Berley Broussard and Florence Thierry created a tradition of bi-annual reunions following the loss of that beloved couple. Since July 2002, Eddie, Kenneth, Bentley, Vivian and their respective families have spent a week together reconnecting and commemorating their parents in various towns across the country. Grandchildren have had children, and some of those children are now adults. A whole generation knows only stories of their family members and ancestral homeland. We - and they - want more than stories. A jubilee brings those stories to life and forges connections with family. It’s a time for the Broussards, Dargins, Thierrys, and Guillorys to connect, remember, and celebrate. It’s time for a jubilee!